Checklists and Worksheets

Application Component Checklist. (PDF) Download Application Component Checklist. (PDF)  This easy one-page checklist identifies some of the tasks you should cross off early in the application process along with a list of the typical application component

Advice for letter writers. (PDF)  Download Advice for letter writers. (PDF)  You can download and print/email this document to anyone who is writing a letter of recommendation for you if they ask for guidance.

Law School List. (EXCEL)  Download Law School List. (EXCEL)  This spreadsheet will get you started on the process of identifying law schools that meet your needs.  The spreadsheet includes a list of every accredited law school in the U.S. and its location.  There are also columns that you can complete with up-to-date information available from the law schools themselves, the ABA Links to an external site., or a website such as Law School Transparency Links to an external site..  Use this spreadsheet as a starting point, but feel free to add or delete columns that are relevant to you.  For example, you may not care about whether the school has a part-time program.  In the alternative, you may be looking for a specific joint degree program, a school with a specific type of clinic program, or a school with a particular class size (either big or small).

Personal Application Checklist. (EXCEL) Download Personal Application Checklist. (EXCEL)  Use this spreadsheet to keep track of the schools to which you are applying.  One page of the spreadsheet allows you to list all transcripts and letters you have requested, the date they were received by LSAC, and all of the additional documents you have completed for your files.  The second page allows you to track the schools to which you are applying, details about their specific application expectations, and dates/target dates for submission.